Procedures for IEEE Computer Society Design
Automation Standards Committee
23 August 2007
1.0 Introduction
These Operating
Procedures outline the orderly transaction of business of the Design Automation
Standards Committee (DASC) of the IEEE Computer Society. For the development of
standards, openness and due process must apply, which means that any individual
with a direct and material interest has a right to participate by:
expressing a position and its basis,
having that position considered, and
appealing if adversely affected.
process allows for equity and fair play. In addition to openness, due process
requires balance, i.e., the standards development process should strive for a
balance of interests and
not be dominated by any single interest category.
The Sponsor of the
DASC is the IEEE Computer Society. The current active Sponsor procedures shall
be located on the IEEE Standards Association web site. These procedures can be
updated no more then once per year.
Operating Procedures outline the orderly transaction of business for this
committee. Several documents take precedence in the following order:
New York State
Not-for-Profit Law
Certificate of Incorporation
IEEE Policies
Board of Directors Resolutions
Standards Association Operations Manual
IEEE-SA Board of
Governors Resolutions
IEEE-SA Standards
Board Bylaws
IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual
of the IEEE Computer Society
Policies/Procedures of the IEEE Computer Society
Standards Activities Board
Policies/Procedures of
the DASC (this document)
DASC Operations Manual
Rules of Order (Revised) (On questions of parliamentary procedure not covered in these
Procedures, Roberts Rules of Order (revised) may be used to expedite due
process. )
It is recommended that these Operating
Procedures be reviewed for consistency by the DASC whenever there are changes
to any of the above documents, or at a minimum every two years. The
Standards Staff Liaison shall be put on the agenda of DASC meetings to inform
the DASC of changes in IEEE operations documents and provide updates on the
activities of both the DASC and its Sponsor.
2.0 DASC Scope
The purpose of the
DASC is to promote the development of standards in the Electronic Design
Automation industry. Such standards are beneficial to the producers and users
of tools in this industry since they provide a mechanism for defining common
semantics for the operation of tools. The DASC Officers act as the
administrators for the working groups under the DASC which develop and maintain
standards. In this role the DASC Officers also provide liaison to the governing
bodies of the IEEE and represent the interests of the DASC working groups in
these bodies.
The DASC shall be responsible for the following:
1. Developing
proposed IEEE standards within the scope of the DASC
2. Maintaining
the standards developed by the DASC in accordance with the IEEE-SA Standards
Board Operations Manual
3. Responding
to requests for interpretations of the standards developed by the DASC
4. Acting
on other matters requiring DASC effort as provided in these procedures
5. Cooperating
with other appropriate standards development organizations
6. Protecting
against actions taken in the name of the DASC without its authorization
3.0 Organization of the DASC
The DASC shall consist of a Chair, Vice Chair,
Secretary, Treasurer and Members. When
staff resources permit, the DASC shall be supported by a Standards Staff
3.1 Officers
There shall be a Chair, a Vice Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer
of the DASC. The Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, and Treasurer constitute the
Officers of the DASC. These Officers shall be appointed/elected in accordance
with the procedures of the IEEE-CS SAB..
The term of office is two years.
The Chair
shall be a member of any grade of the IEEE, a member of the IEEE-SA, and a
member of the DASC.
The Vice Chair
shall be a member of any grade of the IEEE, a member of the IEEE-SA and a
member of the DASC.
Secretary shall be a member of the DASC.
The Treasurer shall be a member of the DASC.
Election of Officers
The Chair
shall appoint a Returning Officer for the conduct of an election of Officers. The Returning Officer shall not be a nominee
in the election and shall not vote in the election.
The Members shall nominate to the Returning Officer one or more
Members for each office to be filled at the election. Nominees shall be eligible at the time of
nomination to hold the office for which they are elected. A Member shall accept
nomination for no more than one office. The response period for nominations
shall be at least 14 days. If no nomination is received for an office, a
temporary appointment shall be made in accordance with 3.2.
The Returning Officer shall conduct the election
by electronic ballot. Voting shall be by
“approval”, whereby each balloter may cast an approval vote for each of any
number of nominees for an office. The
Returning Officer shall acknowledge receipt of electronic ballots in a timely
fashion. The nominee with the greatest number of approval votes shall win the
election. Write-in candidates are
permitted as specified in the IEEE Bylaws.
Election of the Chair and Vice Chair shall be confirmed by the
IEEE-CS SAB. If the IEEE-CS SAB rejects
election of the Chair or Vice Chair, the Returning Officer shall conduct a
fresh election for the office not so confirmed.
Temporary Appointments to Vacancies
If an
office becomes vacant due to resignation, removal, lack of nomination at an
election or other reason, a temporary appointment shall be made for a period of
up to six months. In the case of Chair or
Vice Chair, the temporary appointment shall be made by the Chair of the IEEE-CS
SAB. In the case of Secretary or
Treasurer, the temporary appointment shall be made by the Chair of the DASC. An
election for the vacated office shall be conducted at the earliest practical
An Officer may be removed by approval
of two-thirds of the Voting Members of the DASC. Grounds for removal shall be
included in any motion to remove an Officer of the DASC.
The Chair shall
1. Organize
and operate the DASC
Create and distribute an agenda at
least 14 calendar days before a meeting of the DASC
3. Lead
the participants according to all of the relevant policies and procedures of
the IEEE
4. Oversee
the DASC’s compliance with these operating procedures
5. Submit
proposed standards approved by the balloting group with supporting
documentation for IEEE-SA Standards Board review and approval as IEEE standards
The Chair also shall
Be objective
Entertain motions, but not make motions
Remain neutral and facilitate the discussion
Delegate necessary functions
Ensure that all parties have the
opportunity to express their views
Set goals and deadlines and adhere to
Be knowledgeable in IEEE standards
processes and parliamentary procedures and ensure that the processes and
procedures are followed
Seek consensus of the Sponsor as a
means of resolving all issues
Prioritize objectives to best serve the
group and its goals
The Vice Chair shall carry out the
Chair's duties if the Chair is temporarily unable to do so or chooses to recuse him- or herself for example to advocate an opinion..
The Secretary shall
Record and publish minutes of each
meeting within 14 calendar days of the end of meeting
Create and maintain the roster and
submit to the IEEE Standards Department annually
Schedule DASC meetings in coordination
with the Chair with at least 21 calendar days notice
Be responsible for the management and
distribution of Sponsor documentation
Maintain lists of unresolved issues,
action items, and assignments
The Treasurer shall
Maintain a budget
Control all funds into and out of the DASC’s bank account
Provide the Secretary with the roster
of paid up DASC Members
Follow IEEE policies concerning
standards meetings and finances
Read the IEEE
Finance Operations Manual
4.0 Membership
Members of the DASC are those individuals and entities that
have their membership fees paid up in full and are in good standing with the
Voting Membership
Members, in any election, shall vote as either Individual Expert or
Organizational Entity members, as defined in the procedures of the IEEE-CS SAB.
Voting Members are those Members who have attended 3 of the previous 4 DASC
meetings. For the purpose of maintaining
voting membership, votes conducted between meetings will be equivalent to
meeting attendance.
Observers shall be permitted to participate in discussions at DASC
meetings and in email discussions in accordance with the procedures of the
A request
for membership shall be addressed to the Chair, indicating the applicant’s
direct and material interest in the DASC’s work,
qualifications and willingness to participate actively. All IEEE standards
meetings are open to anyone who wishes to attend.
4.4 DASC Membership
The Secretary shall maintain a current and accurate DASC roster.
All changes to the roster shall be forwarded to the Chair immediately. The
roster shall include the following:
1. Title
of the DASC
2. Scope
of the DASC
3. Officers
- Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and Standards Staff Liaison
4. Members:
for all, list name, email address[kb1] ,
business affiliations; for society or organizational Designated Representatives
(DR) and alternates (DRA), list as DR or DRA and the IEEE Society or
organization (as applicable), together with organization address
The Secretary shall maintain an email distribution list of
current DASC Members and shall ensure that all DASC Members are permitted to
post email messages to the list. The
roster shall be available to members of the DASC,
Membership Fees
Members shall pay an annual Membership Fee. The amounts of the fees for Individual Expert
and Organizational Entity memberships shall be determined by the DASC from time
to time. The amounts shall be determined
so as to cover the reasonable operating expenses of the DASC. The amounts of the fees for a given year
shall be determined before August 15 of the preceding year.
A Member
granted membership after August 15 of a given year and before March 16 of the
subsequent year shall pay the full Membership Fee and be granted membership up
to December 31 of the subsequent year. A
Member granted membership after March 15 and before August 16 of a given year
shall pay one half the full Membership fee and be
granted membership up to December 31 of that year.
A Member
shall renew membership for a given year by paying the full Membership by
December 31 of the preceding year. Where a Member is in default of this
obligation, membership shall be terminated.
5.0 Subgroups of the DASC
When one
or more subgroups (subcommittees, study groups, working groups, technical
subcommittees, writing groups, etc.) are formed specifically to expedite the
standards development work of the DASC, their formation (and later disbandment)
shall be in accordance with the procedures of the IEEE-SA Operations Manual
section 5.
formation shall be approved by the DASC in a vote. The vote may be conducted in a meeting or by
5.1 Study Groups
purpose of a Study Group is to explore the possibility of a standard and create
a PAR should the standard be deemed worthwhile by the Study Group. The Study
Group can create, review and approve a PAR in a single meeting as long as such
was on the agenda for the meeting and the approval is unanimous. Otherwise, the Study Group must meet
subsequently to consider any reasons for dissention and then submit the PAR for
approval by the DASC. DASC SGs should follow the guidelines given in the document
“DASC Study Group Guidelines”.
5.2 Lifecycle
of Subgroups
In order to expedite the development of standards, the DASC
forms subgroups. The primary type of
subgroup of the DASC is the Working Group (WG).
A working group has the specific responsibility to develop a standard
based on a PAR that has been approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board. The WG is governed by the DASC P&Ps (this document).
In order to form a WG a request must be made to the DASC to
form a Study Group (see 5.1). The
request may come from the DASC Chair or any member of the DASC. This request to form an SG must be approved
by a vote of the DASC. When an SG is
approved, the DASC Chair will appoint an SG Chair to manage the SG’s work. The SG, after completing its exploration and
finding the topic worthy of standardization will submit a report including a
draft PAR to the DASC for approval. When
the report and PAR are approved by the DASC, the PAR will be submitted to Nescom and the Standards Board for its approval which
will mark the formal start of a WG.
A WG will remain in existence as long as it has an active
PAR. Following the completion of work on
a PAR or the expiration of a PAR, the WG will have six months to draft a new
PAR for approval first by the DASC and then by NesCom
and the Standards Board. If the WG fails
to draft a new PAR, the DASC will consider disbanding the WG. This action will require a vote of the
DASC. In this case, the WG Chair should
present a recommendation to the DASC either explaining the delay or requesting
that the WG be disbanded. The DASC will
consider the recommendation in its vote.
A WG shall have a chair, vice or co chair, secretary and, if
needed, a treasurer. These officers will
be responsible for the operations of the WG in accordance with DASC P&Ps (this document).
Officers shall be elected within the first six months of the formation
of the WG and serve two year terms.
5.3 DASC
Subgroup Membership Rosters
For each DASC subgroup, the Secretary of the subgroup shall
maintain a current and accurate roster. The roster shall include the title of
the subgroup, name and email address of the Chair, and names and email
addresses of all members of the subgroup. The Chair of the subgroup shall
maintain an email distribution list of current subgroup members and shall
ensure that all subgroup members are permitted to post email messages to the
6.0 Meetings
meetings shall be held monthly, and also can be held as decided by the DASC,
the Chair, or by petition of 15% or more of the DASC Members, to conduct
business such as: making assignments, forming subgroups, receiving reports of
work, considering draft standards, resolving differences among subgroups, and
considering views and objections from any source. A 21-day notice shall be
distributed to all Members and observers. Meetings of subgroups may be held as
decided upon by the members or Chair of the subgroup.
may charge a meeting fee to cover services needed for the conduct of the
meeting. The fee shall not be used to restrict participation by any interested
Meetings can be held in person or conducted via teleconference.
shall be a quorum for conducting business at a meeting. If a quorum is not
present, actions may be taken subject to confirmation by letter or electronic
ballot, as detailed in Section 7.3. See Robert’s Rules of Order (revised). A quorum is
considered to be 50% of the Voting Members of the DASC. If a quorum is not
present at a meeting, including those present using teleconferencing
facilities, the Chair may choose to conduct certain business of the meeting via
email or electronic ballot as appropriate.
7.0 Voting
7.1 Vote
Votes shall be counted by dividing the number of affirmative votes
by the sum of the numbers of affirmative and negative votes. The question being voted upon shall be
considered approved if the quotient is greater than 50% except for actions
covered in section 7.4.
Balloting Positions
Voting Member shall vote one of the following positions:
1. Affirmative
2. Do
Not Approve (Negative With Comments - the reasons for a negative vote shall be
given and should include specific wording or actions that would resolve the
3. Do
Not Approve (Negative Without Comments)
4. Abstain
Voting By Electronic Ballot
The DASC shall be allowed to conduct DASC
business between meetings at the discretion of the Chair by use of electronic ballot. The response period for an electronic ballot
shall be at least 14 days. Except as
required by 7.4 , an electronic ballot shall require approval by a majority
of the returned votes provided that a majority of all the voting members
When sufficient ballots have been returned to determine the outcome of a vote the Chair may announce the result and declare the balloted issue either approved or disapproved as determined by the received ballots.
Within 7 days of the response period for an electronic ballot, the
Chair shall publish to the DASC the outcome of the ballot, including the
balloting position of each Voting Member who voted in the ballot.
7.4 Actions Requiring Approval by Two-Thirds of the DASC Voting Membership
The following actions require a formal recorded vote with approval
by at least two-thirds of the DASC Voting Members.
1. Adoption
of DASC operating procedures, or revisions thereof
2. Approval
of change of the DASC scope
3. Approval
of termination of the DASC
For approval of proposed standards, the Sponsor shall form a balloting group.
This group shall be formed using the invitation process in accordance with the IEEE-SA Standards
Board Operations Manual.
All DASC Officers should use the DASC letterhead, if available, or
email notification along with the Officer’s title, when corresponding on behalf
of DASC activities.
9.1 Formal Internal Communication
If correspondence between subgroups involves issues or decisions
(that is, non-routine matters) affecting other subgroups, copies shall be sent
to all affected subgroup chairs, and the DASC Officers.
9.2 External Communication
Inquiries relating to the DASC should be directed to the Chair,
and Members should so inform individuals who raise such questions. All replies
to inquiries shall be made through the Chair.
9.3 Privacy
information about individuals participating in standards development activities
is necessary for efficient administration of those activities. Reasonable efforts shall be made to protect
the privacy of individuals participating in these activities. Participants should be aware that the names
and affiliations of participants are part of the public record of the standards
development process. This information
shall only be used in conjunction with the official business of standards
development. Use of this information for
any other purpose shall not be permitted without the express permission of the
individual to do so.
The Sponsor recognizes the right of appeal. Technical and
procedural appeals are acceptable for the Sponsor. Every effort should be made
to ensure that impartial handling of complaints regarding any action or
inaction on the part of the DASC is performed in an identifiable manner. If the
Sponsor must conduct an appeal, it shall model its appeals process on the appeals processes
of the IEEE-SA Standards Board.
11.0 Position Statements for Standards
All communications shall comply with subclause
5.1.3 of the IEEE-SA
Standards Board Operations Manual. These procedures apply to communications
with government and intergovernment bodies.
11.1 DASC
Position Statements
position statements shall not be released without prior approval by the DASC
Officers. Such position statements may proceed unless blocked by a DASC vote at
a DASC meeting. For position statements not presented for review at a DASC
meeting, DASC Members shall be provided a review period of at least five (5)
days. If, during that time, a motion to block the position statement is made,
release of the position statement will be withheld pending failure of the
blocking motion.
Subgroup Position Statements
Subgroup position statements shall not be released without prior approval by a two-thirds vote of the subgroup. Such position statements may proceed unless blocked by a DASC vote at a DASC meeting. For position statements not presented for review at a DASC meeting, DASC Members shall be provided a review period of at least five (5) days. If, during that time, a motion to block the position statement is made, release of the position statement will be withheld pending failure of the blocking motion.
position statements shall be identified in the first paragraph of the position
statement as being specifically the position of the subgroup. These statements
shall be issued by the subgroup Chair and shall include the DASC Chair in the
distribution. Such statements shall bear neither the IEEE nor the DASC logos.
11.3 Informal
communications shall not imply that they are a formal position of the DASC nor
the subgroup.
Position Statements to be Issued by Other Entities
If the
DASC wishes to go to another IEEE entity (as defined in Section 15 of the IEEE Policy and
Procedures) to have that entity offer a position statement on a standards
matter, they shall do so after agreement from the IEEE-SA Standards Board and
after informing the IEEE-SA BOG. Therefore, proposed position statements that need
to be issued by other IEEE entities shall be forwarded to the IEEE-SA Standards
Board Secretary for further action.
12.0 Standards Publicity
The DASC is encouraged to prepare press releases
and other forms of publicity to promote their activities. Please see subclause 5.1.4 of the IEEE-SA Standards Board Operations Manual for
further instructions.
13. DASC Awards Committee
The DASC shall have a standing Awards Committee.
The awards
committee shall develop an awards program to recognize meritorious work by DASC
members. The committee shall also vote to recommend DASC members for the IEEE
SA Standards Medallion and other appropriate IEEE awards. The awards committee shall be comprised of
the DASC officers plus up to three other members appointed by the chair. The Awards Committee shall be run by a chair
elected by the committee. Decisions of
the committee require confirmation by the DASC.
[kb1]I removed mailing address and IEEE membership number to respect privacy. Email address and business affiliation should be sufficient to identify DASC members.