DASC Steering Committee - 28-Feb-2001 ------------------------------------- Present: Paul Menchini (Chair), Menchini & Associates, mench@mench,com Peter Ashenden (Vice Chair), Ashenden Deigns, peter@ashenden.com.au Alex Zamfirescu, ASC, a.zamfirescu@ieee.org Pat Bryant, Innoveda Inc, pbryant@innoveda.com Gabe Moretti, EDN, gabe@dimensional.com Maq Mannan, DSM Technologies, mannan@dsmtech.com J. Bhasker, Cadence, jbhasker@cadence.com Bob Myers, Raytheon, rjmyers@raytheon.com Dennis Brophy, MTI, dennisb@model.com Stephen Bailey, Synopsys, sbailey@synopsys.com Arun Balakrishnan, NEC, barun@el.nec.com Wolfgang Roethig, NEC, wroethig@el.nec.com Greg Peterson, UT, gdp@utk.edu Meeting opened at 5:10pm Paul now on REVCOM. Approval of OOVHDL Bylaws: no dissent => approved. Status Reports ---------------- P1364 Verilog ASG -- Maq Mannan: bolloting & recirc done, pkg gone to REVCOM. Problem (questions arisen) with material from Cadence in LRM, despite going through process. ASG working on dealing with the questions. Conditional approval to come pending resolution of questions, then final approval. P1029 WAVES -- quiescent. P1076 VASG -- Steve Bailey: Ballot passed, ballot response drafted. Problems with constituency, resovled by Paul with IEEE. Paul has begun incorporating BR into LRM. PLI: draft to VASG by 1-May for internal review. ISAC: outstanding IRs as of 1-Oct-2000 categorized and to be analyzed, resulting LCSs to VASG for 200x. Future activities: new chair election after 1076-2001 done; PLI integration. Need to get vendor input for LCS prototyping. P1076.1 AMS -- MIA P1076.2 Math Pkg (Alex Z) -- No outstanding issues. Need to reaffirm soon. Jose happy to continue. - Paul: Elections dues soon, Paul to call for nominations, propose by acclaim where no contest. - Alex: suggested DASC policy that proposals for stds address both languages (VHDL/Verilog). Paul: needs SG/WG proposals and champions. P1076.3 Synth Pkgs (Alex Z) -- Quiesent, because members active in other related activities (eg synth interop). Plan: reactivate for reaffirmation. There is at least one bug/issue identified. Bhasker suggested a DASC-wide mechanism for bug reporting. Alex volunteered to develop XML-based process for collecting IRs. Alternative plan: include synthesizable FP. Options: IEEE 754; or configurable. Also consider compatible FP support for Verilog. (This may require PAR revision.) New participation: elect vice-chair; generate requirements (survey); prioritize; solicit technology donations. - Need to coord 1076.3/1164 re definition of shift oeprators on std_logic_vector. Can include as an easy item in P1164. P1076.4 VITAL (Dennis Brophy) -- Ballot completed as of DAC, gone to REVCOM, approved, now in production. P1076.5 Library IEEE (Paul) -- incipient. PA & Paul propose a quick fix: "nothing in IEEE except DASC standards." Paul to check if PAR still active. P1076.6 VHDL Synth Interop (Bhasker) -- approved & printed (level 1). Level-2 work in progress (all VHDL features that can be RTL synthesized - syntax, semantics & pragmas). Aim for draft by end-2001. Considering Level-2 to be next rev of 1076.6, rather than maintaining distinct level-1/level-2 versions. P1364.1 Verilog synth interop (Bhasker) -- started 1998. Wanted just one version, not level-1/level-2. Draft 1.3 in March 1999. Delayed further work due to iminent Verilog-2000. Now awaiting finalization of Verilog restandardization. Requires effort to resume P1364.1 activity - regenerate interest. P1164 Std Logic (PA) -- Overdue for restandardization. New W/G met yesterday, PA as Chair. VIUF Fall 1999 WOrkshop analysed list of enhancements. W/G to address easy ones (eg, std logic textio, ...), draft end of this year. Defer harder ones & ones requiring coordination to later. Steve to check Synopsys donating std_logic textio package. P1481 DPC -- quiescent. P1499 OMF -- quiescent. P1497 SDF -- status unclear, draft ready for or in ballot. - Paul: keep PARs for quiescent groups open in case someone wants to resume work. Only close when PAR formally lapses & no interest shown in continuing work. Issue of disposition of contributed material discussed. - Randy Harr stepped down as eda.org sysop, Paul taken over. P1551 SID -- quiescent. [Paul to fwd plaques to Bhasker for Kathy McKenny & Doug Dunlop.] P1577 OOVHDL (PA) -- Bylaws approved. Objective VHDL and SUAVE groups can no longer contribute effort. Currently seeking interest in continuing work. If none, group will go quiescent. VHDL Microwave SG (John Willis) -- PAR being prepared, currently in requirements gathering phase, init language design June 2001, ballot 2004-2005. ALF Study Group Proposal - Wolfgang Roethig - NEC ------------------------ See PPT presentation. OLA was proposed as combination of ALF & DPC procedural interface. Some collaborative work done. OLA group now focussing on API and not source language. Groups agree to coordinate. But OLA group is not actively working on DPC standard development within DASC framework. Motion: Approve formation of ALF study group (Alex/Dennis). Unanimous. DASC Vitality - Paul ------------- Good turn out at this meeting encouraging. How can we get additional participation? - Possible problems: * Not addressing relevant/useful issues? * Perception of IEEE being burocratic & too inflexible (DASC Chair and SAB addressing this.) * Reduced company support for standards activities. Members requested to think about issues and propose suggestions. Suggestion: public recognition of successful std developers at DAC. Also gives DASC visibility. AOB --- - Proposal in Accellera to have a "Language Day" to discuss evolution & development of languages. Steve Schulz to lead organization. - Alex: suggested surveys/feedback on issues. Meeting closed at 7:30pm