From: Bailey, Stephen [] Sent: Wednesday, 22 September 2004 06:32 To: Peter Ashenden Subject: RE: Notes on discussions with Stanziola and Ringle Just a slight difference in understanding on the patent policy. Specifically, I agree that DASC has no authority to render any official assessment or judgment of the validity or applicability of a patent to a standard project or existing standard. However, the DASC (more specifically WGs) should be free to do their own assessment and have the freedom to attempt to define a standard to avoid exposure to a patent claim. Such efforts would not absolve any implementor from doing their own due diligence as to whether or not their implementation does or does not violate any patents. Fundamentally, I don't think anyone said: DASC and DASC WGs, you cannot do any review of any patents which may be relevant to your standard. Instead, I think what was said is that: DASC and DASC WGs, you cannot express any opinion as to whether or not any patent is relevant to a standard. -Steve Bailey