IEEE DASC Steering Committee Agenda for November 2004 Meeting Date: Friday, November 12, 2004 Time: 9:00am to 5:00pm US-PST Venue: Mentor Graphics Corp 1001 Ridder Park Dr, San Jose, CA 95131, USA Agenda 1. Call to order 2. Minutes of meeting on 20 September, 2004 in Piscataway, NJ 3. Business arising from the minutes 4. Report of business conducted by email 5. Financial Report - Travel reimbursement 6 Reports from Liaison Representatives - IEEE-CS/SAB - IEC - JEITA - DATC 7. Project reports - 1076 (VHDL) - 1076.1 (VHDL-AMS) - 1076.1.1 (VHDL-AMS packages) - 1076.4 (VITAL) - 1076.6 (VHDL Synthesis Interoperability) - 1364.1 (Verilog Synthesis Ineroperability) - 1481 (OLA) - 1497 (SDF) - 1499 (OMI) - 1603 (ALF) - 1647 (e) - 1800/1364 (SystemVerilog/Verilog) - 1850 (PSL) 8. Study Group reports - VHDL-HF - 1666 (SystemC) 9. WG governance review - Rosters received - Elections: progress and confirmations - Procedures review 10. Proposed amendments to DASC/DASC-SC/WG procedures (see proposal): - procedure for making a motion for call for discussion of an issue/proposal - procedure for making a motion for call for vote on an issue/proposal 11. DASC role in EDA standards development - Sponsoring individual- and entity-based projects - Relationships with other committees and organizations - Membership provisions and fees: individual and entity 12. Review of DASC Patent Policy 13. IEEE policy on dissemination of IP from standards projects - Publication of drafts - Dissemination of code from standards 14. VuSpec publication proposal 15. Activities and meeting schedule for 2005 - Workshop sponsorship and co-sponsorship - DASC-SC meeting schedule 16. Other business 17. Adjourn