TC93 ITEMS OF INTEREST TO DASC ------------------------------ June 17, 2005 Alex Zamfirescu ------------------------------ 1. TC ACTIVITY -------------- 1.1. 5 Positive votes on on-going projects casted 1.2. September 2005 TC and WG meetings in Nara Japan finalized 2. ITEMS OF CONCERN ------------------- 2.1. VHDL (IEEE 1076), a dual logo international std. is done without IEC input 2.1.1. Review of changes indicates some un-necessary changes 2.2. Verilog (IEEE 1364), (a DL I Std.) done without IEC input 2.2.1. Necessary changes not included to fix signed unsigned (hazards reported in DV-Con article) 2.2.2. Without fixes Verilog is not useful for system level domain explorations and optimizations! 2.2.3. Some un-necessary changes might break compatibility (PLI removal) 2.3. DASC still does not have a Tech-SubC to address roadmap and interoperability of Stds by design (not fixes after approval). 2.4. Much needed completion of DL maintenance procedures details not feasible without common project. 3. POSSIBLE CONSEQUENCES ------------------------ 3.1. TC93 Groups will pick and chose from changes on VHDL and Verilog 3.2. International partners will become un-interested to stamp IEEE new standards. 3.4. IEC might diverge on new EDA stds.