IEEE Design Automation Standards Committee Draft Guidelines for DASC Study Groups 31 May 2004 When a proposal comes before DASC for initiation of a standards development project, the DASC-SC may form a Study Group to examine the proposal. If the proposal merits formation of a project, the Study Group will draft a Project Authorization Request (PAR) for consideration by the DASC-SC. These guidelines specify how a Study Group should conduct business and the criteria it should apply to consideration of a proposal. 1. Conduct of Business ---------------------- A DASC Study Group is formed as a subgroup of the DASC, and is subject to the operating procedures of the DASC and its parent bodies, including the IEEE-CS Standards Activities Board (SAB) and the IEEE-SA Standards Board (IEEE-SASB). A Study Group will have a Chair, appointed by the DASC-SC. The DASC Chair should act as a mentor to the Study Group Chair, if required, to ensure that due process is followed and that the Study Group fulfils its purpose. The SG Chair should appoint a Secretary, whose duties should include - maintaining a roster of Study Group participants - establishing an email list for conduct of email discussions - keeping and publishing record of meetings As soon as practicable after formation of the Study Group, the SG Chair should distribute a call for participation in the Study Group. The call should be distributed to all DASC members and to other lists at the disposal of the DASC. Further distribution should also be considered to ensure all materially interested parties have the opportunity to participate. The SG Chair should schedule the conduct of business to be complete within six months of formation of the Study Group. The deliverable from the Study Group to the DASC-SC should be a report addressing the criteria for consideration and, if appropriate, the draft PAR. 2. Criteria for consideration ----------------------------- The purpose of the Study Group is: (a) to determine whether sufficient interest and resources exist to develop a draft standard, and (b) if so, to develop a PAR for the proposed project. The DASC is required to consider the following issues when evaluating a project proposal (from the IEEE-CS/SAB procedures): 1. Broad market potential - consider: broad set(s) of applications multiple suppliers, and users 2. Compatibility with related standards 3. Distinct identity - consider: substantially different from other projects, unique solution for scope/purpose, easy for document reader to select relevant specification 4. Technical feasibility - consider: demonstrated feasibility, proven technology, confidence in reliability 5. Viable volunteer leadership & participation - consider: identified project leader, project editor, employer support, sufficient active participants 6. Realistic objectives - consider: scope of work and focus, time frame for completion, potential for "subdivision" into deliverables 7. Opportunity to establish new areas of expertise within the Computer Society - consider: emerging technology, providing a focal point for diverse interests, avoiding conflict with other standards development groups The Study Group should prepare a report to the DASC-SC to accompany a PAR addressing these issues. When developing the PAR, the Study Group should review and ensure compliance with the Working Guide provided by the IEEE-SASB (see The Study Group should ensure that any Intellectual Property questions are properly explored and addressed, and provide supporting information to DASC-SC in its report. The Study Group should take account of the NesCom Conventions for reviewing PARs (see and the NesCom Checklist (see The Study Group Chair should liaise with the DASC Chair to ensure that all of the required information is produced for completion of the PAR form. The Study Group Chair must not submit the PAR form without approval of the DASC-SC. 3. Checklist of items to provide to DASC-SC ------------------------------------------- Upon completion of its work, the Study Group should provide the following items to the DASC-SC - Report addressing issues - Roster of Study Group members - Minutes of meetings (or pointer to on-line copies) - If the Study Group recommends developing a new standard: - Draft PAR - Letters of assurance from patent holders, as appropriate - Letters of donation of IP, as appropriate - Project schedule